Flowers and Books

Yesterday, we went for a little visit to see the in-laws. Don’t worry, we stuck to government guidelines at all times, of course. We saw them in the garden and we were more than two metres apart. I thought that the worst part of lockdown might have been the lack of takeaways remaining open (craving a really good chinese right now!), or not being able to get my nails and hair done (looking like shrek AND craving a chinese). What has actually been the worst part of lockdown has to have been not seeing family and friends. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not normally a hugger. You need to be somebody pretty damn special to get a hug out of me. But I really REALLY miss hugs!

Anyway, while we were in the garden of the in-laws, my lovely mother-in-law produced these beautiful lilies and a bottle of wine. She said they were just a little something to show how proud they are, after I finally published Gifted, and I almost got a little bit emosh! Are they not the most beautiful lilies you have ever seen? They have only just started to open but they are absolutely huge and they smell amazing! Unfortunately, I couldn’t get a picture of the wine too… it didn’t last long enough for me to take a photo. Oops! I figured I would just throw a few books in there for a bit of shameless self promoting instead.

Stay safe. We’ll get through it!

Love Love xx