What a week!

Hello everyone!

It’s that time of week again where I sum up what I have been doing in the form of a blog post. Yay! It has been a fairly strange week as far as lockdown weeks have gone. I won’t talk about how I drank far too much wine on Saturday and decided that there was nothing better to do at 4.30am than test out the slide on the incomplete park on my estate (my neighbours are very bad influences and we still have a partial building site opposite our houses despite living here for over a year), or how I have been obsessing over my garden completely dying through a lack of water (thank God the rain finally came). But I will tell you about everything in between.
P.S – I realise I talk about wine and gin quite a lot but no, I do not need to call somebody, I do not have a problem. Yet.


This is Fluff!
Fluff was a gift from my cat. She brought him home just as we were about to go to bed. At first, we thought he was a mouse as Tilly was throwing him around the back garden but when I went out to investigate I soon realised that he was a very loud little baby bird. Normally when Tilly brings back a new pet, it is fairly close to death or too injured to help but Fluff was miraculously unharmed.
We have had baby birds in the past, when I was working at the school we had two zebra finches who, of course, had many, many babies. So I was a little clued up on what to do with baby birds. So, I put my knowledge to good use. I popped Fluff into a box with a shallow bowl of water, some soft fruit and some mashed up hard-boiled egg. He had a little bed and some space to move around. Then we left him in a closed room downstairs and waited until the morning to see how he was.
In the morning, Fluff was completely full of energy. We could hear him chirping right the way through the house. When I opened up the box, Fluff jumped straight on to my finger and was happily singing away. He tried to fly a few times with no luck. I couldn’t find any other birds who were looking for him and no nest so I had no choice but to take him to a rescue. Unfortunately, by the time we made it there, Fluff’s health had taken a dramatic fall. He was dehydrated, being too young to feed himself properly. The rescue took him in and we didn’t receive any updates, but I hope he was OK. The rescue did tell me he was not a sparrow like we had suspected, he was actually a ChiffChaff. Apparently they live here in the summer and fly to Africa in the winter.
It was a pretty entertaining day and my daughter was highly amused. But Fluff was not our only bird-related drama for the week.
The next day, I was making some toast in the kitchen when I spotted my cat acting strangely under the neighbour’s car. She was watching the roof of our house and prowling about. Then, out of nowhere, a huge pidgeon dropped from the roof, past the kitchen window, and hit the road with some force. We rushed outside to make sure the cat did not get her claws into him and sadly watched the pigeon die at our feet. I do not know why the pigeon jumped from our roof, I am not sure I want to know why. But I do know that he was a very fat pigeon and he weighed a fair bit for a bird. I know this because I had to pick him up (gross) and throw his body over the fence and into the field opposite my house (super gross).
I feel like I have had enough wildlife-related stress this week to last me for some time.


I did a bit of baking this week. My mum’s lovely friend had a lockdown birthday and she asked if I could do some cupcakes. After visiting many shops and doing plenty of hunting for icing sugar, we finally managed to find some! So, here they are.


While we’re on the topic of cake, take a look at this absolute masterpiece! My lovely neighbour made this and brought a very generous slice round for us to enjoy. I haven’t tried it just yet, my stomach has not been up to it after my wine-fuelled weekend. But it is on the menu for tonight!

The moon

I thought I would get a picture of the moon on here this week. I don’t know what it was… a strawberry moon or something like that? But it looked pretty impressive, so I figured it could have a mention.


During the weekly food shop, I decided to be a bit naughty and treat myself to some expensive sushi. I shouldn’t have bothered because this is what happened to my expensive sushi… it fell out of the fridge when my very Nike-clad fiance opened it. I would also just like to point out that I had thoroughly mopped the floor earlier that day.


My final picture for this post is of my little gift bringer. My daughter has spent part of her morning building a den on her bed for Tilly to sleep in, so here she is. No, her paws are not ridiculously giant, it’s just the photo.

Things have felt a little more normal this week, the roads and the traffic is returning to pre-lockdown state. The queues outside the supermarkets have dropped a little, we finally, FINALLY managed to get a decent chinese! Definitely the high point of the week. Sitting at separate tables, way more than two metres apart, from my mother and father-in-law and enjoying a conversation with someone who does not live under the same roof as me. I am still missing my hugs and it is likely that I will be going back to work at the end of the month so the race is on to get the second book finished in time, or at least the first draft. I really hope that I will still have time to keep up to date with the blog and some writing / editing too, only time will tell.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to leave me a little comment at the bottom of the page. I loved reading your comments last week!
There were also a couple of new reviews for my book on Amazon which i really, REALLY appreciated! So, thank you so much for those! I also had a lot of interest this week in what was to come in book two, so that was pretty exciting too.
Stay safe, as always. And have an awesome week!

Love Love xx


  1. Rachael

    Now I need cupcakes or cheesecake and it’s one of those rare days when there’s precisely NONE in the house🙄. (Let’s just gloss over the fact that I had a mars bar brownie at lunchtime)

    • louisalawBlogger

      Do brownies even count though? I think you should go on the hunt for more cake x